
We believe that giving is a part of worship!
Giving strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us.
If you’ve never given before, we invite you to take the challenge and put God to the test (Malachi 3:10)
In the Bible, we learn there are two different types of giving: tithes and offerings.
The tithe is our baseline standard for giving. Under the Old Testament Law Israelites were required to give a tithe of their earnings.
Apostle Paul says believers should regularly set aside a portion of their income to support the church.                   (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)
When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives.
An offering is when we feel called to give generously above and beyond, when we see a need and are moved to meet it!

1. Offering Basket or Mail
Old school still works. Drop a check or cash in the offering basket during the church service or mail/drop
off during church office hours. You can use the contribution envelopes to indicate your tithe and/or
offering. There are several options for you to choose from to make your giving easy and secure online .


First Time? Type a text: FCOBONLINE and send it to: 77977
Within a few minutes, you will be sent a text with a link to register.
Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit card information.
Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email.
For future giving, simply Type text: FCOBONLINE and send it to: 77977 with the amount you wish to
give, and it will process automatically!


3. Simply, Click on the GIVE button below and you will be redirected to our PushPay website.
Enter the amount you wish to give, Choose from “Give one time” or “Set up reoccurring “.
Then follow the remaining steps.